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Association of Italian manufacturers of implements
Where we are

Italian Implements Manufacturers Association

Via Venafro, 5 - 00159 Roma - I
Ph. +39 06 432981
Fax +39 06 4076370
E-mail: info@federunacoma.it
Web: www.assomao.it

Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation

Headquarters of Rome
Via Venafro, 5 - 00159 Roma - I
Ph. +39 06 432981
Fax +39 06 4076370
E-mail: federunacoma@federunacoma.it

Office of Bologna
Via Aldo Moro, 64 - Torre I, 40127 Bologna - I
Ph. +39 051 6333957
Fax +39 051 6333896
E-mail: tecnico.bologna@federunacoma.it

Office of Brussels
I, avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée - B 1040 Brussels
Ph. (+32 2) 2861233
Fax (+32 2) 2306908
E-mail: federunacoma.bruxelles@skynet.be